m4mining is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement ID 101091462
User-led research centred on mining interests
m4mining aims to improve material characterisation during exploration, extraction, re-mining, and environmental impact monitoring. The consortium works together to develop technology for mapping and monitoring active and inactive mining sites and for efficient mineral and metal exploration using UAV and satellite sensors. We work to achieve real-time mineral classification via UAV, allowing seamless 3D visualization for decision-makers on the ground. The infrastructure (hardware and software) will be developed through direct conversations with stakeholders on a mineral advisory board.
Real-time hardware & software infrastructure for hyperspectral-3D
UAV platforms.
Hyperspectral UAV and multispectral satellite data for multiscale monitoring workflows.
In active and legacy mines in Australia, Greece, Norway, and the Republic of Cyprus.
In relevant mining environments, both active and abandoned. Case studies in bauxite, Au- and Cu- and U-REE tailings.
Our aim
multi-scale and multi-temporal remote sensing sensors and methods
Integration of acquisition, processing, and dynamic analysis and visualization of data from active and legacy mining and tailing sites to improve close-to-face sorting, material stream distribution, re-mining of secondary raw materials, and monitoring of the environmental impact of commercial mining activities.

UAV real-time infrastructure
Our solution aims to enable increased productivity, reduced environmental footprint of tailings, early waste rejection, reduced material re-handling and erroneous allocation of material in waste or stockpiles, improved deposit modelling, increased re-mining and predictive tailings management, reduced feed variability, and more.
Partners and Case Study sites
Multidisciplinary consortium
The consortium covers the complete value chain from hardware suppliers, system integrators, processing and visualization software providers, leading research institutes in relevant methods and applications, and stakeholders in case study technology validation. This ensures access to the infrastructure and expertise necessary to investigate our research questions for the relevant case study sites and mining partners within our mineral advisory board.

M4Mining is a member of ESMIN (European Sustainable Mining & Innovation Network). ESMIN brings together pioneering European Commission funded projects. These projects are united in their goal to improve the mining life cycle to ensure that Europe leads the way in responsible and efficient mining practices.